
Encounter Weekend

Most likely you were directed here by a friend, and you may be wondering “what in the world is this person so excited about?” Well, take any ideas that you may have about this impactful event and throw it out the window. You can be as social or hermit-like as you wish – you will not be forced out of any comfort zone that you may have. Don’t worry, this is not another typical church retreat; it’s a weekend where you have an opportunity to get away with other women and experience God in a real, intimate, and personal way. Life is a series of choices, and at a minimum, this is a chance to receive something that equips you to face life’s challenges in an environment that is customized for you!

The Women’s Encounter is organized by women and for ALL women. There is no central organization, but rather a growing network of women from all walks of life and many different regions that have experienced FREEDOM, and are now working to share it with others.

The principles and tools shared are foundational in nature, but yet, can have a profound influence on those who come with a humble and open heart. While there will be other women in attendance, Encounter is an individual and personal experience. What takes place during the weekend is between you and God. He has a gift that is unique for you.

Hope to see you there!

Questions & Answers

What should I bring?

  • Sleeping Bag or Twin sized bedding
  • Pillow
  • Toiletries
  • Towel & Wash Cloth
  • Casual Clothing and Jacket
    • We want you to be comfortable
    • We keep the conference room chilly so a jacket might be helpful
  • Bible (do not pack you will need this Friday evening)

How much does it cost and what's included?

The cost is $140. That includes transportation from Your launchpoint location to the Encounter location, lodging, all materials, and meals while you are away. You can pay for Encounter either when you register, in advance after registration, or upon arrival for your Encounter weekend.

Make checks payable to:

Women’s Encounter
PO Box 55
Alta Vista, KS 66834

Please put Women’s Encounter and the date of the Encounter in the Memo.

If you wish to pay in advance and you have already registered, please go to Highview Church, select Women’s Encounter from the menu, and follow the prompts.

If the registration fee is a problem, there are scholarships available for first-time attendees. Please indicate if a scholarship is needed during your registration.

When Do We Leave?

Please arrive by….

  • Check in: You will receive a letter letting you know when to arrive at your launch location.
  • We pull out on Friday evening immediately following check-in.

Where are we going?

We will be headed toward Salina, Kansas. We will be staying at the Webster Conference Center. We will be taking a bus from your designated Launch Point all across the State of Kansas and on to Webster. You are asked not to take your own vehicle.

When will we return?

We will return to the launch point on Sunday afternoon for the final portion of your encounter experience. Upon your return, expect to remain at the location for a final session and wrap up of the weekend. Specific times will be announced on Friday evening before we leave so that you can make arrangements for pick up if necessary.

Is there a way to communicate with home?

There will be opportunities to contact home. You may have your cell phone with you for emergencies; however, we encourage you to limit your calls to times when we are not in session. This weekend is about you, and is an opportunity to forget about the responsibilities you have at home!